Marcus Wilson, BOCAH 17 Tahun yang doyan LONCAT LONCAT GEDUNG

Marcus Wilson, 17, performs the stunt that has earned him a job as a Hollywood stunt teacher
Marcus Wilson, 17, performs the stunt that has earned him a job as a Hollywood stunt teacher

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Marcus Wilson, 17, shows off stunts in the video that earned him a dream job teaching Parkour in LA
Marcus shows off his skills in his hometown of Beccles, Suffolk

Parkour-performing teenager Marcus Wilson, 17, shows off the stunts that earned him a job teaching Parkour in LA
Marcus has been jumping off rooftops since he was just 13 years old
Parkour-performing teenager Marcus Wilson, 17, shows off the stunts that earned him a job teaching Parkour in LA
The daredevil teen hopes his LA job will help him become a movie stuntman
Parkour-performing teenager Marcus Wilson, 17, shows off the stunts that earned him a job teaching Parkour in LA
The teenager from Beccles, Suffolk, spends eight hours a day practising Parkour
Parkour-performing teenager Marcus Wilson, 17, shows off the stunts that earned him a job teaching Parkour in LA
Marcus dives off a pier during a clip from his video

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