Dilansir AFP, Kamis (13/3/2014), satelit China mendeteksi tiga benda besar mengambang di perairan laut. Lokasinya memang masih masuk dalam wilayah pencarian pesawat yang membawa 227 penumpang dan 12 awak tersebut.
Satelit China itu menangkap gambar tersebut pada 9 Maret lalu. Hingga saat ini masih dianalisa untuk memastikan benar tidaknya benda tersebut merupakan bagian dari pesawat Malaysia Airlines.
Tiga benda itu tersebar dalam radius 20 km di 105,63 derajat Bujur Timur dan 6,7 derajat lintang utara. Ukuran yang tampak adalah 13 x 18 meter, 14 x 19 meter dan 24 x 22 meter.
Debris: The crucial discovery of the debris was
made on March 9 - the day after Malaysian Airlines flight 370 went
missing - but were only released on Wednesday
New developments: This map shows the two areas
where the search for flight MH370 was focused in green. The blue X marks
the spot where the large debris has been spotted by Chinese satellites.
The black circle is where the New Zealand oil worker witnessed a plane
burning in the sky
Malaysia's air force chief has denied saying
military radar tracked a missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner over the
Strait of Malacca, adding to the mystery surrounding the fate of flight
MH370, which vanished on Saturday with 239 people aboard
sumber | digali.blogspot.com
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