Menu Makanan di Beberapa Meskapai Dunia

Ternyata menu makanan di beberapa meskapai penerbangan dunia macem2 gan. Ini dia beberapa di antaranya:

1. Japan Airlines

Spoiler for 1:

Menu: green tea, miso soup, beef dan nasi, serta seafood dish.

2. American Airlines

Spoiler for 2:

Menu: Lasagne, side salad, roll, water dan carrot cake.

3. Turkish Airlines
Spoiler for 3:

Menu: Eggs, tomatoes, mushroom and potatoes, fruit salad dan bread roll.

4. Vietnam Airlines
Spoiler for 4:

Menu: salmon en croute with vegetables, bread roll and buah.

5. Air France
Spoiler for 5:

Menu: Ayam dan pasta, bread roll, fruit salad dan kue tart.

6. Cathay Pacific
Spoiler for 6:

Menu: Conchiglie in tomato sauce, bread roll, side salad, pudding dan bar of chocolate.

7. Virgin Atlantic
Spoiler for 7:

Menu: stew with dumplings, bread roll, pasta salad, cheese and krackers dan chocolate dessert.

8. DrukAir
Spoiler for 8:

Menu: A spicy tofu and vegetable noodle dish, with fruit, yoghurt dan croissant.

9. AeroMexico
Spoiler for 9:

Menu: Ham and cheese sandwich, salad, chocolate cake, bread roll.

10. TransAsia Airways Meal
Spoiler for 10:

Menu: Fruit plate dan selection of breads.

11. Lufthansa
Spoiler for 11:

Menu: Mezze plate, carrot and orange salad, bread rolls, kue tart.

12. Delta
Spoiler for 12:

Menu: Scrambled eggs, potato wedges, sausages, fruit salad dan orange juice.

13. Kingfisher
Spoiler for 13:

Menu: Ragda pattice dan kue-kue.

14. Iberia Airlines
Spoiler for 14:

Menu: Croissant, omelett, ham, toast, fruit salad, orange juice.

15. Air Canada
Spoiler for 15:

Menu: Cheese omelette with spinach, yoghurt, bun dan fruit salad.

16. Korean Airlines
Spoiler for 16:

Menu: Fruit, pickles, a roll dan a vegetarian dish.

17. EVA Airways Hello Kitty Jet
Spoiler for 17:

Menu: Miso soup, salad, omelette, rice, pickles dan a seafood dish.

Yang bikin ane ngiler tuh menu di Cathay Pacific sama yang terakhir  Agan sista suka menu yang mana?

sumber |

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