Seorang gadis Shanghai bunuh diri meninggalkan pesan terakhirnya lewat Instagram


Pertama2 kasih penampakan cewenya dulu (cakep gan, ya iyalah gadis shanghai rata2 bening2 )
Spoiler for gambar:

lalu ini di bawah penampakan instagramnya
Spoiler for GB:

Spoiler for IG:
terjemahan versi englishnya

Spoiler for IG:
jojotsai1012: It’s been 12 days since the break up. I’ve gone out, had meals, watched movies, drank, sang KTV with all sorts of guys, and any one of them is more handsome than he is, richer than he is. I say this only to prove that it isn’t that I can’t find guys better than him, much less me thinking him so good looking, so rich. There are a bunch of men with good circumstances around me, as friends who know me all know. It’s just that my heart is unable to accept anyone else. Every time I go out [with them], I end up crying. I force myself to smile, I tell myself “the most important part of being a person is to be happy”, I constantly hypnotize [deceive, convince] myself, but in the end I can’t hypnotize my heart. I don’t understand, if the one you choose isn’t me, why did you give me this much hope/expectations, give me this many promises? If you never thought of having a child with me, why did you let me think of a name? He said before that if his mother doesn’t agree to us getting married, he will date [remain as a couple] with me forever, getting married when we are old. This really is the most romantic words of love I’ve ever heard in my life, but it was also a lie. All of this I cannot forget, can never forget, unless I die.

singkat nya doi pacaran terus udah sayang banget sama pacarnya dan dipikir bakal dinikahin dan rencana punya anak tapi ntah kenapa si cowo kabur ninggalin dia secara tiba2 lalu si doi pelarian ke cowo lain pergi ke KTV, bar, club (dunia malam pokoknya) ketemu ama cowo2 lain yg lebih ganteng dan tajir dari mantannya tapi tetap ga bisa ada yg menggantikan mantannya di hatinya  dia masih teringat janji2 manis si mantan kalau bakal dinikahin dan berumah tangga secara normal.

lalu lanjut di bawah ceritanya......

Spoiler for terjemahan:
Turns out all of the nightmares I had those few days were all real. All the things I dreamed of have all truly happened. It’s just that I was blind and ignorant of it all at the time, suspecting and learning of everything too late. In my life, I haven’t done any [seriously] bad things, so why subject me to this kind of torment? Life has been so miserable these past few days. I want to forget all of this, to control my mood and not be crying painfully late at night every night, but I can’t do it, there’s nothing I can do. All of this is too unfair to me, I can’t bear it.

ternyata mimpi buruk yg kualami bener2 nyata dan smuanya yg aku alami di mimpi berubah jadi kenyataan. cuman saja si doi terlalu 'buta' dan tidak menganggap serius semuanya, semuanya uda telat terlambat. selama hidupnya cewe ini ga pernah melakukan hal2 yg buruk tapi mengapa karmanya jelek sekali. tiap malem doi nangis dan lama kelamaan menjadi beban yg berat.

lanjut ke bawah lagi...

Spoiler for IG:

setelah saya mati saya akan menghantui mu tiap hari siang dan malam : *nah uda mulai ngeri ngomongnya ngelantur soal kematian*

and the rest is history...........


Spoiler for yakin gan mau buka:
Spoiler for yo weiss resiko tanggung penumpang:


Manusia kok punya jalan pikiran yg pendek cuman masalah gara2 cintong aja sampe segininya padahal perbandingan co:ce di china itu jauh banget bedanya 4:1 lah kira2 lalu karena napsu sesaat langsung ngambil jalan pendek ya mungkin hidup nya dia udah terlalu banyak cobaan dan rintangan dari awal ampe akhir hidupnya. TS lagi domisili di shanghai jadi tau berita ini dari weibo (twitternya china) ama wechat nya temen, agak kaget jg sih ya semoga hidup nya tenang di alam sana|
