Ini 'Kuburan Massal' Mobil Era Perang Dunia II


Melihat kawasan ini, maka nuansa bagai film horor pasti akan langsung tertangkap rasa. Ya, sebab ini adalah 'kuburan massal korban Perang Dunia II' yang terletak di sebuah hutan di Belgia.

Namun, kuburan massal disini bukanlah kuburan massal manusia, melainkan kuburan massal mobil-mobil sisa Perang Dunia II.

Kuburan massal ratusan mobil ini berada di hutan dekat desa Chatillon, salah satu desa tertua di Belgia. Menurut Daily Mail, ratusan mobil itu adalah kendaraan yang dahulu dimiliki atau diambil oleh tentara Amerika Serikat dan dikumpulkan di satu tempat.


Awalnya, pengumpulan ini dilakukan karena para tentara sudah mulai dipulangkan. Pengumpulan ini dimaksudkan agar lebih memudahkan bila suatu saat mereka ingin mengambilnya dan membawa ke Amerika, sebab biaya pengiriman saat itu dirasa mahal. Namun, hingga kini mobil-mobil itu masih berada di tengah hutan.

Seiring waktu, korosi dan karat telah banyak mewarnai tubuh-tubuh mobil itu. Bahkan semak-semak mulai menjalari mobil-mobil tersebut.

Tidak sedikit pula mobil-mobil itu dicuri oleh penduduk setempat dan kolektor mobil, terutama untuk para kolektor yang tengah merestorasi mobil yang sama. Buktinya, bagian seperti dashboard dan emblem logo merek banyak yang hilang karena diambil untuk dikanibalisasi.

Kuburan massal yang diketahui saat ini berisi sekitar 100-150 kendaraan. Itu baru satu kuburan massal. Diperkirakan setidaknya ada 4 kuburan mobil disekitar Chatillon dengan jumlah total sekitar 500 unit.

FOTO FOTO 'Kuburan Massal' Mobil Era Perang Dunia II

Wreckage: The shell of a car sits rusting in the speckled light shining through the trees, in what has now become a popular attraction for tourists

Piece of history: The cars were parked in the middle of a forest near Chatillon, a small and ancient village in Southern Belgium

Abandoned: Many car parts have corroded or worn away over roughly 66 years since the soldiers left
Camouflage: The vehicles now blend into their surroundings because their bodywork has rusted and is covered with moss

Natural world: The cars sit in a forest of mainly oak and beech, which supports a large amount of wildlife

Waving goodbye: The exodus of American soldiers from Chatillon took pace on March 2, 1947, with the area still in chaos

Bruised and broken: Chรขtillon is situated in the deep south-eastern corner of Belgium, towards the port of Antwerp

Rich tapestry: Some of the cars in the fascinating cemetery were parked there by soldiers on tours at later dates

Treasure trove: The most attractive parts that have not rusted away have been stolen as souvenirs by locals and car collectors

Recyclable: Other parts of the cars have been taken to help fix similar vintage models, which can be expensive to revamp

Crumpled: Rows of cars stand in orderly fashion between the trees in the atmospheric wood

Standing firm: Years of debris has built up around the cars and vegetation grows around them
Back to the earth: The collapsing cars seem to be becoming part of the natural environment agaiN

Stay tuned: It was too expensive for the US army to ship the cars over to America, but they had hoped to recover them later

Priced out: After returning home, the soldiers were told they would have to take personal responsibility for the costs of shipping their cars out - and none did

Last one left: At one point there were four car graveyards around Chatillon, and as many as 500 vehicles

Tales to tell: Chatillon was used as a base in both World Wars and for post-war operations

Neatly parked: The other graveyards in the area are thought to have contained cars roughly dumped together by soldiers in the 1950s and 1960s

Heroes: American troops drive through a Belgian town in 1944 after defending them from a German offensive

Blowing the doors off: The cars, which would have been used to run errands and transport soldiers from place to place, have been ravaged by time rather than guns

Old-timers: There are other car graveyards all around the world, from Switzerland to Montana to an underwater cemetery in Legrena, Greece

Streaked with tears: The cars act almost as a memorial for what took place in Belgium and across Europe

New and old: Cars kept being brought to the same graveyards by GIs after their post-war tour was over

Eerie and enchanting: The spot is hugely popular with photographers and 'Urban Explorers'

Splashes of colour: The forest is famous for its exceptional beauty

Action stations: The spot could make a perfect film set - as has happened at other car graveyards

Modern history: Around 100 to 150 cars in various stages of decomposition stand in the spot

Different style: The Americans brought great change to the war after arriving in 1918

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