Mukjizat Cuy : Ibu ini terbangun dari koma setelah mendengar suara putranya


It is an achingly touching symbol of the love that binds a mother and son.
A two-year-old boy chews the food of his disabled mother and feeds it to her mouth to mouth - months after she awoke from a coma to meet him for the first time.
Zhang Rongxiang was pregnant with Gao Qinbao when a devastating car crash left her in a coma in Shuyang county in Jiangsu Province, China, three years ago.
But moments after doctors told her husband, Gao Dejin, that she would never recover, they realised she was with child... and that the baby had miraculously survived the trauma.
A son's love: Gao Qianbo, two, helpfully chews up mother Zhang Rongxiang's food and feeds it to her mouth to mouth
Adorable: Gao Qianbo spends every day by his mother's bedside helping her eat and making her laugh
For the next five months Gao Dejin cared for her at home until medics were able to perform a caesarean section to remove Gao Qianbo from her womb.
The little boy has spent every day by his mother's bedside ever since.
Then, to doctor's astonishment, she awoke to the sound of his little voice in May this year.
Helping out: To doctors' astonishment, she miraculously awoke to the sound of Gao's little voice in May this year

Struggle for survival: The family has survived mainly on government subsistence with some support from relatives and friends
While she is able to swallow, she cannot chew her food. So to avoid having to eat pureed hospital meals, she is given regular food which Gao Qianbo helpfully chews and then tenderly passes from his mouth to hers.
The touching display of filial devotion has been captured on camera for the first time since Zhang Rongxiang awoke from a vegetative state in May.
The family has survived mainly on government subsistence with some support from relatives and friend, the Yangtze Evening Post reported.

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